The Typology of Pharyngealization in Arabic Dialects Focusing on a Rural Jordanian Variety

Basem Ibrahim Malawi Al-Raba'a, Stuart Davis
2020 Journal of Universal Language  
Pharyngealization, also known as emphasis, is phonologically a very productive process in most Arabic varieties. This study first overviews the typology of pharyngealization in Arabic dialects and then focuses on the analysis of pharyngealization (i.e., emphasis ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 2 The Typology of Pharyngealization in Arabic
more » ... ects Focusing on a Rural ~ spread) in a subvariety of rural Jordanian Arabic, which differs considerably from other dialects. The preferred structure in this subvariety of Jordanian Arabic is the emphatic syllable (the domain of emphasis) which is the driving force behind the spread of emphasis from underlying emphatics to other segments. This study also offers an Optimality-Theoretic analysis of ES in this Jordanian subvariety, where EMPHATIC-σ is an undominated constraint whose hierarchical interaction with other high ranked and lower ranked constraints always favors candidates with an emphatic syllable over other candidates.
doi:10.22425/jul.2020.21.2.1 fatcat:m75ijvjgbva4xkzdv6mde2tth4