Peer Review #1 of "Familiarity breeds content: assessing bird species popularity with culturomics (v0.1)" [peer_review]

2016 unpublished
Understanding public perceptions of biodiversity is essential to ensure continued support for conservation efforts. Despite this, insights remain scarce at broader spatial scales, mostly due to a lack of adequate methods for their assessment. The emergence of new technologies with global reach and high levels of participation provide exciting new opportunities to study the public visibility of biodiversity and the factors that drive it. Here, we use a measure of internet saliency to assess the
more » ... ational and international visibility of species within four taxa of Brazilian birds (toucans, hummingbirds, parrots and woodpeckers), and evaluate how much of this visibility can be explained by factors associated with familiarity, aesthetic appeal and conservation interest. Our results strongly indicate that familiarity (human population within the range of a species) is the most important factor driving internet saliency within Brazil, while aesthetic appeal (body size) best explains variation in international saliency. Endemism and conservation status of a species had small, but often negative, effects on either metric of internet saliency. While further studies are needed to evaluate the relationship between internet content and the cultural visibility of different species, our results strongly indicate that internet saliency can be considered as a broad proxy of cultural interest. PeerJ reviewing PDF | (Abstract 25 Understanding public perceptions of biodiversity is essential to ensure continued support for 26 conservation efforts. Despite this, insights remain scarce at broader spatial scales, mostly due to 27 a lack of adequate methods for their assessment. The emergence of new technologies with global 28 reach and high levels of participation provide exciting new opportunities to study the public 29 visibility of biodiversity and the factors that drive it. Here, we use a measure of internet saliency 30 to assess the national and international visibility of species within four taxa of Brazilian birds 31 (toucans, hummingbirds, parrots and woodpeckers), and evaluate how much of this visibility can 32 be explained by factors associated with familiarity, aesthetic appeal and conservation interest. 33 Our results strongly indicate that familiarity (human population within the range of a species) is 34 the most important factor driving internet saliency within Brazil, while aesthetic appeal (body 35 size) best explains variation in international saliency. Endemism and conservation status of a 36 species had small, but often negative, effects on either metric of internet saliency. While further 37 studies are needed to evaluate the relationship between internet content and the cultural visibility 38 of different species, our results strongly indicate that internet saliency can be considered as a 39 broad proxy of cultural interest.
doi:10.7287/peerj.1728v0.1/reviews/1 fatcat:t5xnlabrurfyhl56rphnr5ay3e