Reply on RC2 [peer_review]

Elisenda Bakker
2021 unpublished
Interactive comment on "Anisotropic transport and frictional properties of simulated clay-rich fault gouges" by Elisenda Bakker and Johannes H. P. de Bresser Anonymous Referee #2 Received and published: 26 February 2021 In this paper, the authors describe a series of direct shear experiments conducted on simulated gouge materials made of crushed Opalinius Claystone. They aim at investigating the mechanical behavior and gas conductivity evolution of caprock penetrating faults. The paper is well
more » ... rganized and written in a clear manner. We appreciate this C1 SED Interactive comment Printer-friendly version Discussion paper
doi:10.5194/se-2020-178-ac2 fatcat:5oeomdyufzdqbci7koz3sqp2t4