Requirement analysis for an artificial intelligence model for the diagnosis of the COVID-19 from chest X-ray data

Tuomo Kalliokoski
2021 2021 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM)  
There are multiple papers published about different AI models for the COVID-19 diagnosis with promising results. Unfortunately according to the reviews many of the papers do not reach the level of sophistication needed for a clinically usable model. In this paper I go through multiple review papers, guidelines, and other relevant material in order to generate more comprehensive requirements for the future papers proposing a AI based diagnosis of the COVID-19 from chest X-ray data (CXR). Main
more » ... dings are that a clinically usable AI needs to have an extremely good documentation, comprehensive statistical analysis of the possible biases and performance, and an explainability module.
doi:10.1109/bibm52615.2021.9669525 fatcat:ersnrn6yhfemnhbjfzwq4azwtm