Evaluation of two miniplate systems and figure-of-eight bandages for stabilization of experimentally induced ulnar and radial fractures in pigeons (Columba livia)

Beatrice Bennert
Evaluation of two miniplate systems and figure-of-eight bandages for stabilization of experimentally induced ulnar and radial fractures in pigeons (Columba livia) Although plate fixation has advantages over other fixation methods for certain indications, it is rarely used in avian surgery, especially in birds with a bodyweight below 1000 g. Based on the results of the previous studies by Christen et al. (2005) and Gull et al. (2012) , two miniplate systems were evaluated in 27 pigeons (Columba
more » ... ivia) divided in 4 groups (A, B, C and D) of 6 to 7 birds each. The left ulna and radius of the pigeons were transected and the ulna was repaired with a bone plate. The plate systems were used in combination with or without a figure-of-eight bandage for 10 days. In group A and B, an adaption plate 1.3 was applied without and with bandage; in group C and D a compression plate 1.0 was applied without and with bandage, respectively. Healing was evaluated with radiographs after 3, 14 and 28 days, a flight tests after 14, 21 and 28 days, and a macroscopic examination of the wing after euthanizing the animals at day 28. Fractures healed without bending or distortion of the plate in all 27 birds. Without statistically significant differences 23 pigeons showed good or very good flight ability at the end of the study. In conclusion, the adaption plate 1.3 and the compression plate 1.0 met the requirements for avian osteosynthesis and can be recommended for fracture repair of the ulna or other long bones in birds weighing fewer than 500 g. Abstract: Although plate fixation has advantages over other fixation methods for certain indications, it is rarely used in avian surgery, especially in birds with a bodyweight below 1000 g. Exceptionally small plating systems for these birds are required which are relatively expensive and difficult to insert. In addition it was shown that bending of these small plates frequently occurs. Based on the results of the previous studies by Christen et al. 1 and Gull et al. 2 , in the present study 2 miniplate systems were evaluated in 27 pigeons (Columba livia) divided in 4 groups (A, B, C and D) of 6 to 7 birds each. The left ulna and radius of the pigeons were transected and the ulna was repaired with a bone plate. In group A and B, an adaption plate 1.3 was applied without and with a figure-of-eight bandage; in group C and D a compression plate 1.0 was applied without and with bandage, respectively. Healing was evaluated with radiographs after 3, 14 and 28 days, flight tests after 14, 21 and 28 days, and macroscopic examination of the wing after euthanizing the animals on day 28. Fractures healed without bending or distortion of the plate in all 27 birds. There were no major statistically significant differences between the treatment groups. At the end of the study, 23 pigeons showed good or very good flight ability. In conclusion, the adaption plate 1.3 and the compression plate 1.0 meet the requirements for avian osteosynthesis and can be recommended for fracture repair of the ulna or other long bones in birds weighing fewer than 500 g. The application of a figure-of-eight bandage might be beneficial.
doi:10.5167/uzh-115671 fatcat:ml2vgp2yvfh53o3rsbp6roaf7u