Study of plasma rotation in Tokamak confinement. Progress report, June 1, 1997--February 28, 1998 [report]

Tian-Sen Huang
1998 unpublished
GRANT NUMBER: DE-FG03-97ER54416 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Tian-Sen Huang INSTITUTION: Prairie View A&M University 1. Summary of the research performance: This proposal is a collaborative project between Prairie View A&M University and Princeton University. The proposed tasks have been established based on close collaboration between two institutions. We studied the tasks in two aspects: analytical theory of drift current in tokamak plasmas, and computer simulation of non-neutral plasma. Some
more » ... minary results have been presented in the 1997 APS Division of Plasma Physics Meeting, Pittsburgh. Titles of the presentations ware "Magnetic Moment of Bounce Motion in Tokamak Plasma" and "Numerical Simulation of Plasma Confinement in a Non-neutral Plasma". The papers for publication are in preparation. In the coming year, we will further develop the analytic theory and simulation studies. The studies will be focused on understanding of edge electric field in TFTR experiments, and attention will be paid to the effect of the a particles resulting from DT fusion reactions.
doi:10.2172/615666 fatcat:urnyrayo6fgina2aech3rygh5e