Committee on electrochemistry and electrometallurgy

1922 Journal of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers  
Use of Shunting Resistors with Reactors. An ex haustive investigation is being made by one manufac turer of the effect of shunting the reactors with car borundum resistors. It is their opinion that the resistors damp out oscillation and thereby clear the system of disturbances which might build up very high voltages. One large operating company reports the successful operation of about 50 indoor 13,200-volt reactors equipped with resistors. Losses in Reactors. During the past few years the cost
more » ... of copper has been low and the cost of electrical energy high. As a result reactors can be economically designed with much lower losses than previously. One of the big advantages is on account of the reactor being able to withstand overloads and short circuits for greater periods of time. The committee is working on a standard specifica tion for reactors and hopes to have something definite to report before very long. The committee expects to have three or four papers ready to present at one of the Institute meetings next year. Several of the papers will deal with the design features of reactors from the manufacturer's standpoint and at least one paper will give the experience of an operating company with different types of reactors over a period of eight years.
doi:10.1109/joaiee.1922.6591660 fatcat:rlubiebqyrdnxa5j6matq2av5q