رؤیة مستقبلیة لتحدیث نظریة التنمیة السیاسیة 2050 دراسة تطبیقیة لدور استراتیجیة الأمن التنموى فى استمراریة التنمیة المستدامة

وئام عثمان
2021 The Journal of the Faculty of Economics and Political Science  
The major changes that the international system witnessed in the last decade of the twentieth century confirmed that there is a decline in the application of political development, as the importance of comprehensive development has escalated with a focus on the economic field through which political development has been used as a mechanism to achieve  ‫رئيس‬ ‫العامة‬ ‫واإلدارة‬ ‫السياسية‬ ‫العلوم‬ ‫قسم‬ -‫بورسعيد‬ ‫جامعة‬ Email: Weamosman64@yahoo.com ‫دراس‬ ‫ـ‬ ‫ات‬ ‫د.‬ ‫وئام‬ ‫السيد‬ ‫عثمان‬
more » ... the requirements of Globalization from economies of market, interdependence and policies of Privatization and multinational companies, and the independence of international organizations and conglomerates in the face of limiting the role of the state, so building and modernizing the political system was not a target. which its repercussions was reflected during the implementation of the United Nations 2030 sustainable development plans, which were a major reference for most countries; Political development was not mentioned as one of the targets, as the United Nations considered that achieving sustainable development and promoting human development is linked only to good governance. This led to the exacerbation of a number of political development crises during the stages of prosperity that had a clear impact on the development security of the 2030 plan. Therefore, it was important to update the theory of political development in order to achieve adaptation to the changes of the international system in the wake of the repercussions of the Corona pandemic, in line with the requirements of the 2050 vision of sustainable development.
doi:10.21608/jpsa.2021.189975 fatcat:aeothfgcybcztoei42p6ntbdkm