Personality of Organizations- case studies of 4 higher education institutions

Fatoş Silman, Hale Özgit, Meryem Öksüzoğlu
2009 Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences  
This study attempted to examine the personality traits of higher education institutions operating in the TRNC (Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus). In this manner the study has focused on the perceptions of deans and head of departments as administrative staff and academicians employed in the faculties of education on the personality traits of their departments and/or faculties.. Maximum variety sampling as a sampling strategy has been used. The research showed that the education faculties of
more » ... he three had a peaceful and harmonious work environment. Administrators were democratic. They delegated their authority to the instructors and shared their responsibilities. The instructors were concordant with the administration. They were socialized and cooperative. Factors such as peaceful and comfortable work environment, sufficient equipment, recognition, and appreciation that came from the administrators for the instructors, and comfortable teaching, learning and research environment affected their motivation positively. Metaphors also revealed positive work environment.
doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2009.01.328 fatcat:nyrw64m5djb2bjuq7pihsw5mgq