Torsion of a fallopian tube: a rare cause of lower abdominal pain in a female of reproductive age

Janitha R Costa, James Moohan
2012 Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology  
Isolated unilateral torsion of a fallopian tube is an infrequent but significant cause of acute lower abdominal pain in a female of reproductive age. We present a literature review and the case of a 41-year old lady who presented with sudden onset right-sided lower abdominal pain radiating to right thigh. Clinical examination revealed tenderness in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen and a tender right adnexal mass was noted on vaginal examination. Transvaginal scan revealed an elongated,
more » ... ltiloculated right adnexal mass and a normal left ovary. No free fluid or ascites were noted. Torsion of a right hydrosalpinx was suspected and an emergency laparoscopy was performed which confirmed the diagnosis and a right salpingectomy was carried out. Isolated torsion of a fallopian tube should be considered in the differential diagnosis of lower abdominal pain in any female of reproductive age, particularly when she has a history of tubal sterilisation, oophorectomy and/or pelvic adhesive disease.
doi:10.4038/sljog.v33i2.4009 fatcat:w52p47qqqfe5bmzycp6nbys6au