Beam-based modeling and control of storage rings

J. Safranek
Proceedings of the 1997 Particle Accelerator Conference (Cat. No.97CH36167)  
Analysis of the measured orbit response matrix is a powerful technique for debugging the linear optics of storage rings. The orbit response matrix is the change in orbit at the beam position monitors (BPMs) with changes in steering magnet excitation. Results will be presented from a computer code called LOCO (Linear Optics from Closed Orbits) [1] that has been used to analyze the response matrices from several synchrotron light sources including the ALS, NSLS VUV, NSLS X-Ray, and SRRC storage
more » ... ngs. The analysis accurately determines the individual quadrupole magnet gradients as well as the gains of BPMs and the calibrations of the steering magnets. The coupling terms of the response matrix such as the shift in vertical orbit from horizontal steering magnets can be included in the analysis to give the role of the quadrupoles, BPMs and steering magnets. The LOCO code can also be used to find the changes in quadrupole gradient that best compensate for gradient errors from insertion devices and sextupoles. In this way the design periodicity of the linear optics can be restored. 708 0-7803-4376-X/98/$10.00
doi:10.1109/pac.1997.749812 fatcat:dhazamo5v5aipbj5kyuqd6mp7e