Field of view for near-field aperture synthesis imaging

David F. Buscher
2015 Optics Letters  
Aperture synthesis techniques are increasingly being employed to provide high angular resolution images in situations where the object of interest is in the near field of the interferometric array. Previous work has showed that an aperture synthesis array can be refocused on an object in the near field of an array, provided that the object is smaller than the effective Fresnel zone size corresponding to the array-object range. We show here that, under paraxial conditions, standard
more » ... c techniques can be used to image objects which are substantially larger than this limit. We also note that interferometric self-calibration and phase-closure image reconstruction techniques can be used to achieve near-field refocussing without requiring accurate object range information. We use our results to show that the field of view for high-resolution aperture synthesis imaging of geosynchronous satellites from the ground can be considerably larger than the largest satellites in Earth orbit. OCIS codes: 100.3175 Interferometric imaging; 280.4991 Passive remote sensing; http://dx.
doi:10.1364/ol.40.003364 pmid:26176470 fatcat:jcpiunhfwnbn7aqzis3josxbcy