On the Density Theorem

A. Papoulis
1951 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society  
i95i] ON THE DENSITY THEOREM 709 5 and the integrals of the second member are taken along the arcs sM of the spirals (S£) from (2"). The proof, proceeding along the same lines as that of (6) , is suppressed here. Remark. The explicit values of the elementary integrals (3) are, of course, well known; but we refrain purposely from using them, as they are not needed. It is, indeed, sufficient for our proofs to know that those integrals depend only on the exponents m, n and are independent of <b, 6, or r.
doi:10.2307/2032067 fatcat:4a2gdfe7ozdijpqmfvsmzglxry