Local Laser Treatmemt for Early Gastric Cancer with Ulcerative Change
Ul (+) 早期胃癌に対する局所レーザー治療

Atsushi Takahashi, Hitoshi Shimao, Hiroyuki Takano, Nobuyuki Kobayashi, Hiroyoshi Mieno, Yuzuru Sakakibara, Yoshiki Hiki, Akira Kakita
1994 Nippon Laser Igakkaishi  
When a early gastric cancer is associated with ulcer or ulcer scar, endoscopic mucosal resection is difficult because the lesion is not held by a injection of normal saline into a submucosal layer under a lesion. Endoscopic treatment for this type of early gastric cancer is limited only by a tissue coagulation method. We performed laser irradiation on 20 cases of this type of early gastric cancer which surgical treatment was considered to be a high risk. A Nd-YAG laser was applied by the
more » ... tact method with an output of 50-70 Watt. Final cancer free rate for over all cases was 85.0%(17/20) and 88.9% for differentiated type of adenocarcinoma, 81.8% for undifferentiated type. Comparing with early gastric cancers without ulcerative changes, those required more cycles of irradiation.
doi:10.2530/jslsm1980.15.supplement_169 fatcat:otxgznpfkjbitdx43jofi44hji