Can a 5 Week Strength Training Program Produce Range of Motion Adaptations in Amateur Female Tennis Players?

Andrew L. SHIM
2015 International journal of Science Culture and Sport  
Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess range of motion adaptations in amateur tennis players based on the effects of a five week strength training program on the dominant and non-dominant arm. Subjects: An experimental and control group of six collegiate women tennis players (Div II and NAIA) participated. After initial assessment, six subjects participated in a five week, four times a week, pre-season strength training program consisting of five exercises: External Rotation 90°,
more » ... ted Row, Scaption, Chest Press, and External Shoulder Rotation (Rubber tubing). Results: Data analysis through a paired t-test showed that there were no significant changes in ROM in the experimental group when compared to the control group. In conclusion, a strength training program is highly recommended for female overhead athletes combined with a proper flexibility regimen to promote best practice.
doi:10.14486/intjscs451 fatcat:tnpjy7apxzgg7npyqpblinb3ea