Animal Cell Electroporation and Electrofusion Protocols [book]

Jac A. Nickoloff
Animal cell electroporation and electrofusion protocols/edited by Jac A. Nickoloff. p. cm.-(Methods in molecular biology™;48) Includes index. ISBN 0-89603-304-X (alk. paper) 1. Electroporation. 2. Electrofusion. 3. Animal cell biotechnology. 1. Nickoloff, Jac A. II. Series; Methods in molecular biology™ (Totowa, NJ); 48. QH585.5.E48A55 1995 591.87'028-dc20 95-30825 CIP Preface vii and for generating lines that produce monoclonal antibodies. The final two chapters describe spectrofluorometric
more » ... flow cytometry assays useful for monitoring the efficiency of cell-cell and cell-tissue fusion and are therefore of general interest to those employing electrofusion in their research. I want to thank all of the contributors for their timely, high quality submissions, and for their valuable suggestions, with special thanks to Dr. Richard Heller for his many recommendations of potential contributors. I also want to thank series editor John Walker for his valuable advice.
doi:10.1385/089603304x fatcat:b6bysg4hjfdsbdclxzxboi7zey