A Study of Work-Life Balance among Married Women in the Banking Sector in Salcete, Goa

Shameem Mohammed Javed Memon, Miss Nelissa Alcasoas
2018 International Journal of Management Studies  
We all have three lifelong obligations: to work, to our spouses and to ourselves. To disregard any of them is to deprive ourselves of the satisfaction each of them gives us. The responsibilities among women both at the workplace and at home have increased due to changing lifestyles. There is a dilemma in women nowadays in attaining perfection both in their professional and personal life. As a result of which, she compromises on both aspects of her life that are truly important to her.
more » ... if she has to sustain, it is essential that she balances both responsibilities simultaneously which ultimately leads to stress. The complex stress from the never ending workday is damaging. It can hurt relationships, health and overall happiness.
doi:10.18843/ijms/v5i2(6)/12 fatcat:yx4jyqiklve3vk42dkycrav7nq