(4) A Comparative Study on the Physiological Actions of Gastrone and Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide

Akima Miyoshi, Motoyuki Moriga
1975 Japanese Journal of Medicine  
Kosaka and Lim reported enterogastrone as a gastric inhibitory hormone and Lucien et al called for attention to it newly. Then, Brown et al isolated a polypeptide possessing potent enterogastrone activity and named it gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP). On the other hand, many biological and endogenous substances inhibiting gastric secretion, namely, urogastrone, gastrone (gastrones A and B), sialogastrone and chylogastrone, have been reported. In the present study, the gastrone-like
more » ... (GLS) and GIP were compared with one another on their physiological actions, and the results were summarizedas follows.
doi:10.2169/internalmedicine1962.14.13 fatcat:g75j7rz565a3xg2u7b7umpdqji