Impact of the COVID-19 on the Economic Medialiteracy in Online Media

2021 Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie)  
Economic themes are not one of the most popular in Ukraine. However, during the COVID-19 era readers became more interested in the economic content. Mostly it's because of lockdown, when entrepreneurs couldn't provide their activities and a huge part of citizens had lower incomes. So as a result people began to search for information about how to avoid crisis or to reorganize their business. To find out what economic information our audience is the most interested it was provided a survey
more » ... May 2020. The results showed COVID-19 influenced on the preferences of the readership of online media. In particular readers become more interested in macroeconomics than in microeconomics. Also the audience noted a lack of practical information about how to provide activity online or legal information about how to reorganize business due to the lockdown requirements. The analysis of Ukrainian online media with economic section proved that the amount of economic content during the COVID-19 increased, but still haven't meet the needs of readers of such information.
doi:10.13187/me.2021.2.290 fatcat:u7fitz33lfe53nphphx2uhiksi