Landscape gardening art of the Hellenistic states of Asia Minor
Садово-парковое искусство эллинистических государств Малой Азии

Valerij P. Porshnev, federal state budget educational institution of higher education «Saint Petersburg State University of Culture»
2021 Vestnik of Saint Petersburg State University of Culture  
The article continues a cycle of publications of the author on Hellenustic landscape gardening art. The cultural region, which already in the most ancient times was a contact zone between the Greek world and the East is considered. The historical heritage of the Phrygian and Lydian kingdoms and the Persian Empire, which bequeathed to governors the Hellenistic era sacred groves, hunting reserves paradises and terrace parks with regular planning is traced. Special attention is devoted to parks of
more » ... the Pontic kingdom of time of Mithridates VI Eupator's government and parks of Pergamon. The country residence of Mithridates VI in Kabeira is interesting as a sample of the landscape park, the first in the history of the European landscape gardening art, at which there are motives characteristic for parks of time of Romanticism. Besides, parks in Kabeira and in Pergamon had unique collections poisonous and the herbs gathered by Mithridates VI and Attalus III. According to the author of article, these collections, besides utilitarian appointment, being raw materials for preparation of poisons and drugs, had aesthetic value, enriching park landscapes, and their natural qualities were intricately connected with mythology and religion of Greeks. Base of a research are the landscapes of the Black Sea coast of Turkey, the rich archaeological material saving up in one and a half centuries of excavations in Pergamon, and written sources, compositions of antique authors, among which are the works of poet and scientist 2nd century BC Nicander of Colophon not yet translated to Russian.
doi:10.30725/2619-0303-2021-1-112-120 fatcat:ld3d5nwzgvemzm3d26veqmblpi