Space-Time Precoded CDMA-OFDMA Employing Super-Orthogonal Complete Complementary Codes

N. de Figueiredo, L.P. Linde, J.H. van Wyk
2015 SAIEE Africa Research Journal  
This paper addresses and illustrates, both analytically as well as by means of simulation, the equivalence of a cyclically rotated complete complementary coded (CRCCC) code division multiple access orthogonal frequency division multiplexed (CDMA-OFDM) BPSK/QPSK system and a narrowband uncoded BPSK/QPSK reference system. The equivalence can be attributed to the MUI-free characteristic performance of CRCCCs. It is demonstrated that when employed in a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna
more » ... onfiguration along with orthogonal space-time block codes (OSTBCs), the maximum theoretical diversity order of N T x N Rx is achieved. Most significantly, simulations show that CDMA-OFDM using CRCCCs is capable of rendering additional multipath diversity gain at no additional processing cost. This signifies improved performance when compared with conventional ST-OFDM systems.
doi:10.23919/saiee.2015.8531647 fatcat:36tviyyin5ecjmmvufwossrgw4