Bringing ELF into Chinese ELT Classrooms: A Focus on English Pedagogies

Yang-Yu Wang
2021 Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Social Science and Higher Education (ICSSHE 2021)   unpublished
With the development of globalization, the need of communication in English is increasing rapidly. One of the major concerns about whether English should be taught as a Lingua Franca (ELF) has been widely discussed. While researchers suggest that English should be better taught as a foreign language (EFL) than ELF, and some believe non-conformity to native speakers' norms is a trend of future intercultural communication, the judgment of possibility of implementing ELF pedagogies cannot be
more » ... ed from sociolinguistic issues of a certain cultural context. This study introduces ELF as a sociolinguistic phenomenon which is different from EFL, aiming to indicate pedagogical significances in supporting and applying theories of ELF in the Chinese context and offer Chinese English language learners informed choice on their own decisions on choosing a language.
doi:10.2991/assehr.k.211122.058 fatcat:2rgieui4nfdtjfcrejy2z5s6fy