Deterministic entanglement of assistance and monogamy constraints

Gilad Gour, David A. Meyer, Barry C. Sanders
2005 Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics  
Certain quantum information tasks require entanglement of assistance, namely a reduction of a tripartite entangled state to a bipartite entangled state via local measurements. We establish that 'concurrence of assistance' (CoA) identifies capabilities and limitations to producing pure bipartite entangled states from pure tripartite entangled states and prove that CoA is an entanglement monotone for (2×2× n)-dimensional pure states. Moreover, if the CoA for the pure tripartite state is at least
more » ... s large as the concurrence of the desired pure bipartite state, then the former may be transformed to the latter via local operations and classical communication, and we calculate the maximum probability for this transformation when this condition is not met.
doi:10.1103/physreva.72.042329 fatcat:ln3feaohu5cg5maebipei4zdey