Assessment of land-use change in coastal areas through geographical information systems

Verónica Lango-Reynoso, Karla Teresa González-Figueroa, Fabiola Lango-Reynoso, María del Refugio Castañeda-Chávez, Jesús Montoya-Mendoza
2020 AgroProductividad  
Objective: This article describes and analyzes the main concepts of coastal ecosystems, these as a result of research concerning land-use change assessments in coastal areas. Design/Methodology/Approach: Scientific articles were searched using keywords in English and Spanish. Articles regarding land-use change assessment in coastal areas were selected, discarding those that although being on coastal zones and geographic and soil identification did not use Geographic Information System (GIS).
more » ... ults: A GIS is a computer-based tool for evaluating the land-use change in coastal areas by quantifying variations. It is analyzed through GIS and its contributions; highlighting its importance and constant monitoring. Limitations of the study/Implications: This research analyzes national and international scientific information, published from 2007 to 2019, regarding the land-use change in coastal areas quantified with the digital GIS tool. Findings/Conclusions: GIS are useful tools in the identification and quantitative evaluation of changes in land-use in coastal ecosystems; which require constant evaluation due to their high dynamism.
doi:10.32854/agrop.v13i10.1872 fatcat:pcxzxw4zz5e23l3wdzc6lqmk5y