Towards a workflow to support the integration of aircraft systems' models

Guilherme Dedecca Hernandes
2013 2013 IEEE/AIAA 32nd Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC)  
 The demand for complex systems to be developed in less time, lower costs and stricter reliability requirements.  Traditional development process leads to late discovery of problems in the design, requiring expensive and risky rework  Model Based Engineering is a prominent approach that provides the conceptual basis to improve the development of complex systems in terms of quality, cost and schedule.  Current practice of Model Based Engineering occurs in specific areas during the
more » ... , lacking an integration of the models, so that design problems related to the system as a whole are usually detected in the later stages of testing or operations.
doi:10.1109/dasc.2013.6719729 fatcat:6vmibwp345fzfda3rkfeck6gey