Factors Influencing Behavioural Intention to Use Mobile Banking in Champawat District of Uttrakhand

2019 International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology  
India has more mobile connections compared to banking accounts, therefore GoI in Economic Survey 2014-15, proposed JAM (Jan-Dhan Yojana, Aadhar Number and Mobile Number) trinity to use ICT for more efficient and effective spread of formal banking even to the hilly areas where brick and mortar banks are challenging to build and sustain. Also, financial inclusion cannot happen without economic activity, and Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Act (MGNREGA) is a policy which significantly
more » ... ed to enhance the economic activity of rural India. Because of penetration of mobile technology and involvement of the same in financial inclusion, this research will contribute to understanding the constructs of mobile banking adoption in hilly rural area of Champawat District, Uttrakhand w.r.t population registered with MGNREGA. The authors found research is scarce for mobile banking adoption in hilly rural areas of India. (Mehta et, al 2019) may be the only study for Champawat district of Uttrakhand, using technology acceptance model (TAM) and total interpretive structural modelling (TISM) to develop a model. This paper takes model from Mehta et al. 2019 and examines the relationship between the constructs using structured equation modelling (SEM).
doi:10.35940/ijeat.b2880.129219 fatcat:bjfsnqkwanf7pi2wjpusnog3bu