Measurement and Prediction of the Combustible Properties of Cumene
큐멘(Cumene)의 연소특성치의 측정 및 예측

Dong-Myeong Ha
2016 Korean Chemical Engineering Research  
The usage of the correct combustion characteristic of the treated substance for the safety of the process is critical. For the safe handling of cumene being used in various ways in the chemical industry, the flash point and the autoignition temperature (AIT) of cumene was experimented. And, the lower explosion limit of cumene was calculated by using the lower flash point obtained in the experiment. The flash points of cumene by using the Setaflash and Pensky-Martens closed-cup testers measured
more » ... 1 o C and 33 o C, respectively. The flash points of cumene by using the Tag and Cleveland open cup testers are measured 43 o C and 45 o C. The AIT of cumene by ASTM 659E tester was measured as 419 o C. The lower explosion limit by the measured flash point 31 o C was calculated as 0.87 vol%. It was possible to predict lower explosion limit by using the experimental flash point or flash point in the literature.
doi:10.9713/kcer.2016.54.4.465 fatcat:5sy3arw4h5aipe462h7ldg3kfy