Capacity Analysis of Route Sink Networks Based on Time-sharing Transmission Protocol

Nan Lin
2015 Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Intelligent Systems Research and Mechatronics Engineering   unpublished
A capacity analysis of route sink networks based on time-sharing transmission protocol is proposed to solve the problem. Firstly, the effects of energy constraints on the capacity of wireless ad hoc networks are studied. The network has route sink function, and the node transmission process is based on time-sharing transmission protocol. It is assumed that node transmission is triggered when the energy is big enough in cache capacity and a capacity analysis model based on the closed queue
more » ... k is proposed. The proposed model considers the details of data, energy buffers and random access protocol, simultaneously. Then the impacts of energy constraints on the random access protocol parameters are analyzed so as to optimize the network performance.
doi:10.2991/isrme-15.2015.380 fatcat:sscks63gs5dx5ji6altdgfqsd4