A study of the circulation in Bay of Ilha Grande and Bay of Sepetiba: part II: an assessment to the tidally and wind-driven circulation using a finite element numerical model

Sérgio Romano Signorini
1980 Boletim do Instituto Oceanográfico  
Synopsis A finite eZement3 tuJo-dimensionaZ hydrodynamicaZ numericaZ modeZ deveZopedby Wang & White (1976) was appUed to study the tidaZ and wind-driven C1-rcuZations in the coastaZ domain fOY'lTled by Bay of IZha Grande and Bay of Sepetiba. The tidaZ circu-Zation was modeZed by imposing a co-osciZZating tidaZ signaZ at the open boundaries of the domain. The ampUtude and phase of the tidaZ const,rb:<mts adopted to run the numericaZ experiment were based on haY'lTlonic anaZysis of previous
more » ... igations in the region3 p Zus data obtained from two tide gauges instaZ Zed near the open boundaries of the modeZed domain . The numeY'icaZ simuZation of the wind-driven circu-Zation was based on wind data statistics coveY'ing 16 months of . data. The effect of the wind in the ZocaZ circuZation was weighted by the frequency distribution of wind directions as weZZ as the associatedmostprobabZe wind forces. The numericaZ modeZ was aZso used to simuZate seiche osciUations in the coupZed system fOY'lTled by Bay of IZha Grande and Bay of Sepetiba. The modeZ resuZts are in agreement with the resuZts deY'ived in Part I of this paper3 where fieZd data was anaZysed and discussed.
doi:10.1590/s0373-55241980000100005 fatcat:4s4gc2wunbhxtlbcbwla5vnhii