Study of the Relationship between Dependent and Independent Variable Groups by Using Canonical Correlation Analysis with Application

Thanoon Y. Thanoon, Robiah Adnan, Seyed Ehsan Saffari
2015 Modern Applied Science  
Canonical correlation analysis is used to study the relationship between two groups of variables (dependent and independent). Since each group represents the linear combination to a number of variables, canonical correlation analysis measures the relationship between these variables that maximally correlate with linear combinations of another subset of variables. Statistical analysis involves canonical correlation between two groups of variables, canonical variates, standard canonical variates,
more » ... canonical factor loadings, canonical cross factor loadings for both groups. Test of significance of canonical correlation using Wilk's Lambda showed that the first and second canonical correlation was significant and the third and fourth canonical correlation were insignificant. This method is illustrated by using a real data set. Results obtained by using SPSS program.
doi:10.5539/mas.v9n8p72 fatcat:uinfto3kubf7xl62ehou3sitjy