Pertanggungjawaban Hukum Bagi Ibu Pengidap Baby Blues Syndrome Sebagai Pelaku TindakPidana Penganiayaan Terhadap Anak Kandungnya

Saskia Dyah Hapsari, Yana - Indawati
2022 Yustisia Tirtayasa Jurnal Tugas Akhir  
The crime of molestation is a form of crime that is regulated in the Criminal Code (KUHP). Mothers after giving birth when suffering from baby blues syndrome, can take measurements of their biological children. Baby blues syndrome is a form of mental disorder. The chronology, mental condition, evidence and psychiatric examination of a case experienced by an offender with a mental disorder are very important determinants of whether or not the perpetrator can be convicted. This is considering
more » ... in addition to the Criminal Code, the regulation regarding the legal liability of perpetrators with mental disorders is also regulated in the Law of the
doi:10.51825/yta.v2i1.14123 fatcat:ymqxqodgknfqxeie6p7j24745q