Intellectual competitiveness of a country: the problem of national IQ mediation
Интеллектуальная конкурентоспособность страны: проблема медиации действия национального IQ

A.A. Grigoriev, E.M. Lapteva
2018 Èksperimentalʹnaâ Psihologiâ  
The study investigates the link between intellectual competitiveness of a country with the national IQ — the evaluation of the intelligence of a population. The hypothesis about a mediation of this link by such variables as expenses for research, the number of specialists who conduct research, the patent index, is tested. The results indicate that expenses on research and number of specialists, conducting research, but not patent index, probably, mediate relation between national IQ with such
more » ... dications of intellectual competitiveness as the share of a high technological production in export.
doi:10.17759/exppsy.2018110311 fatcat:crltlitqnvafhgcs74ez7c3lba