Coevolution of data samples and classifiers integrated with grammatically-based genetic programming for data classification

Douglas A. Augusto, Helio J.C. Barbosa, Nelson F.F. Ebecken
2008 Proceedings of the 10th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation - GECCO '08  
The present work treats the data classification task by means of evolutionary computation techniques using three ingredients: genetic programming, competitive coevolution, and context-free grammar. The robustness and symbolic/interpretative qualities of the genetic programming are employed to construct classification trees via Darwinian evolution. The flexible formal structure of the context-free grammar replaces the standard genetic programming representation and describes a language which
more » ... des trees of varying complexity. Finally, competitive coevolution is used to promote competitions between data samples and classification trees in order to create and sustain an evolutionary arms-race for improved solutions.
doi:10.1145/1389095.1389328 dblp:conf/gecco/AugustoBE08 fatcat:ldxqla22nzddhihtw4tbmsizhi