
諸井 克英, Katsuhide MOROI, Moe YASUMI
The present study explored the relationships among inferiority feelings, apprehensions about makeup risk, and mood states immediately after makeup application in female undergraduates. The Inferiority-Feelings Scale (Kosaka, 2008b; revised by the authors), the Apprehensions-About-Makeup-Risk Scale (Itagaki & Moroi, 2011), and the Mood-States-Immediately-After-Makeup Scale (Ogawa et al., 2000; revised by the authors) were administered to female undergraduates (N =200). Through the factor
more » ... (maximum likelihood method, promax rotations), eight factors for the Inferiority-Feelings Scale, five factors for the Apprehensions-About-Makeup-Risk Scale, and two factors for the Mood-States-Immediately-After-Makeup Scale were extracted, severally. Assuming latent variables induced on those results, a covariance structure analysis (Amos 25.0.0 ) was executed. Interestingly, apprehensions about makeup risk intensified positive mood states immediately after makeup application.
doi:10.15020/00001883 fatcat:6c56hbedzfca3hi7qva4r77d4i