Data Security for Cloud computing Storage System

Jayshree Shinde, U Godase
Cloud computing is a forthcoming revolution in information technology industry because of its performance, accessibility, low cost and many other luxuries. It provides storage for data and faster computing to customers over the internet. That is why companies are reluctant to deploy their business in the cloud even cloud computing offers a wide range of luxuries. Security of data in the cloud is one of the major issues which acts as an obstacle in the implementation of cloud computing.
more » ... ng to the high storage capacity and also qualified personnel it becomes difficult pertaining the management of such huge amount of data. Some of the facilities like Storage-as-a-Service offered by cloud service providers help organizations to outsource their data to get saved on Remote servers. Thus, such services like Storage as a service helps in reducing the cost of maintenance and also helps to reduce the SaaS burden of large local data storage at the organization's perspective. A storage scheme which is cloud based allows the owner of data to get benefit from the extra facilities given by the cloud service providers and helps in achieving indirect mutual trust in them. There are two important features first is, it allows the owner to outsource sensitive data to a cloud service provider, and it ensures that only authorized users receive the outsourced data. Secondly there is a facility which activates the indirect mutual trust in between data owner and the cloud service provider.