Research on the Displacing Effect of the Internet on the Traditional Media

Jiang Ling, Zhang Yue
2015 International Journal of Social Science and Humanity  
By quantitative research, this paper investigates whether the displacing effect of the Internet on the traditional media exists or not through descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis. It is concluded that there exists the time displacing effect and the Internet has taken people's time off the traditional media but only temporarily; some functions of the traditional media cannot be displaced. Thus, this paper puts forward coping strategies for the traditional media and the
more » ... t media respectively. The traditional media should establish an operation concept that connects all media; the traditional media should seek the differentiation of function and object; the online media should give a full play to its advantage and attract more users. Index Terms-Internet-use, preference, and old media.
doi:10.7763/ijssh.2015.v5.523 fatcat:zxmcyspffbdz7iuz4q4igndrwq