Phenolic Compounds from Ageing Shoots of Picea abies

Christine A. Kraus, Gerhard Spiteller
1997 Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C - A Journal of Biosciences  
The influence of ageing on the amount and composition of phenolic compounds and their glucosides was studied in one to five-year-old shoots of Picea abies. The total content of phenolics increased remarkably within the first two years of growth. In this period cinnamic acid derivatives were dominating, but beginning with the end of the first vegetation period a dramatic increase of acetophenones was observed. Obviously at the end of the first vegetation period the cinnamic acid derivatives are
more » ... ubjected to oxidation resulting in an increase of acetophenones.
doi:10.1515/znc-1997-5-605 fatcat:botnhl2ca5f4pksmeeyybt7sdy