Cooperation Framework between Marine RI - Meeting Report [report]

Alan Berry, Dimitris Kassis, Claire Gourcuff, Sylvie Pouliquen
2022 Zenodo  
This document summarizes the outcomes of the workshop "Cooperation Framework between Marine Research Infrastructures" organised as a side event to the 9th EuroGOOS Conference on May 5th 2021. Scientists and officers from 11 marine Research Infrastructures and marine research communities across Europe gathered to discuss future strategy under a co-designed collaborative plan within the landscape of the UN Decade of Ocean Science and the European Ocean Observing System, with the aim to address
more » ... plan the next steps for the following topics: sharing of knowledge and expertise, strengthening cooperation on both field activities and new technologies, creating robust interactive data interfaces, promoting joint activities on marine research and services, raising public awareness on marine environmental issues. This report was endorsed by all the 11 Marine RIsparticipating in the workshop. Concrete collaboration actions have been identified during the course of the meeting, which will have to be prioritised by the RIs in the near future. Several ongoing EU projects provide a framework to undertake this task (EuroSea, Euro-Argo RISE, GROOMII, etc.), and future opportunities should arise in upcoming projects to further advance in the implementation of the identified collaboration actions.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.6810214 fatcat:wwz2ifbhbbcdnppi6vf6aqkuiy