Design of Intelligent Access Control System Based on UWB Location Algorithm

Xiang Meng, Ying Zhao
2012 Proceedings of the 2012 2nd International Conference on Computer and Information Applications (ICCIA 2012)   unpublished
The intelligent access control system based on UWB is designed in this paper. The system includes access controller, UWB reader array, electronic lock, power module, video capture modular and master computer. The access controller obtains the card's information by UWB reader array , the staffs' position can be located by UWB location algorithm. By comparing with information obtained by video capture modular, the system can indicates that if there is illegal invader. The location accuracy can
more » ... ch 0.5m and can identify accurately the invader's position. So the system can used widely in the place which requires fast walk.
doi:10.2991/iccia.2012.330 fatcat:bxjihque2vgkbadgx7vstjtf5m