Moral Reasoning of College-Educated Individuals from The United States in Relation to the Recent Sociopolitical Issues and with the Focus on Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Reasoning

Sehic Sandro, Radeljas Dina
2022 Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology  
The aim of this quantitative research study was to explore the relationship and impact higher education has on moral reasoning in connection to recent events in United States. The sample size consisted of 137 participants from the United States who earned a Bachelor’s, master’s, or Doctoral degree and were over the age of 22. Participants were a diverse group including both genders and, different racial and socioeconomic statuses. The one-way ANOVA test suggested that statistically
more » ... ignificant difference did not exist among the three different groups of participants, in relation to their moral reasoning on the recent events in the United States. The two-way MANOVA test suggested that statistically significant difference was found in one dependent variable.
doi:10.5539/jedp.v12n2p64 fatcat:mlxrpmduhjhobkmovzorjzewvu