О литовской политике во время Первой мировой войны: территориально-геополитический аспект

Česlovas Laurinavičius
2015 Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis  
The paper discusses the territorial-geopolitical aspect of the Lithuanian policy during the First World War, which is still not sufficiently studied or properly understood. It concerns the strategic line proposed by members of Lithuania's conservative elite. The visible side of the line was a game of orientations: first pro-Russian, then pro-German. However, these orientations were based on an ethnographic principle, which created preconditions for the practical development of the Lithuanian
more » ... ion. On the other hand, the ethnographic principle was related to the idea of national self-determination, raised by the democratic thought, which paved the way for Lithuanian national statehood. Therefore, the strategic line offered by some of the Lithuanian elite went beyond party ideology and became national.
doi:10.15181/ahuk.v31i0.1203 fatcat:m2qzgqzdu5h2hej5dccpli6kb4