A System of Medical Service to Assist the Population of Uzbekistan in the Case of Natural Catastrophes [chapter]

Abdukhakim A. Khadjibayev, Elena M. Borisova
Extreme Weather Events and Public Health Responses  
Th e Republic of Uzbekistan is located in central Asia between the Amudarya and Sirdarya rivers, covering an area of 447.4 thousand square kilometers. Th e population is 25.4 million. It consists of 12 regions and 1 autonomous republic. Th e capital is Tashkent (population 2.5 million). Th e Republic borders Kazakhstan on the north-east, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan on the east and south-east, and Turkmenistan and Afghanistan on the west and south-west. Th e total length of the border is 6221 km.
more » ... h e territory of Uzbekistan is mostly plain (around four fi ft hs of the area). One of the main plains is the Turan plain. Th e foothills of Tyan-Shan and Pamir are on the east and north-east of the country. Th e highest peak (4643 m) of the country is also in the same region. In the north of the central part of Uzbekistan there is one of the world's largest deserts -the Kizilkum. Th e climate of Uzbekistan is sharply continental with long hot summers which have the potential to adversely aff ect human health. Th e average annual precipitation is 120 -200 mm on the plain area and 1000 mm in mountainous area. As precipitation is very low, agriculture relies mostly on irrigation.
doi:10.1007/3-540-28862-7_24 fatcat:hfruoe6dpvdyfijctgtuva2t3q