Perceptions of Medical Personnel toward Burnout using Q Methodology

Eun Ja Yeun, Young Mi Kwon, Young Mi Lee
2016 Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration  
Purpose: This exploratory study was done to categorize medical personnel's perceptions of burnout and analyzed the characteristics. Methods: Q methodology was applied using a 45 Q-sample categorized on an 11-point scale which was completed by nurses and doctors working at a university hospital in Seoul, Korea. Collected data were analyzed using the PC-QUANL program. Results: Medical personnel's perceptions of burnout were categorized into three types; 33.83% of the total variance was explained.
more » ... The first type was 'functionally deteriorating pressure' the second type was 'daily powerlessness' and the third was 'achievement-oriented re-energization'. Conclusion: There is a need to establish and apply intervention strategies for each type to alleviate medical personnel burnout and increase work efficiency to qualitatively improve medical services.
doi:10.11111/jkana.2016.22.1.57 fatcat:fn45vuecljhetf2fbwblrqdky4