Role of Computed Tomography of the Nose and Paranasal Sinuses in COVID-19 Patients with Anosmia: Our Experiences at a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital

Swain SK, Das S, Kar D, Das SR
2021 International Journal of Current Research and Review  
Olfactory dysfunction is a unique clinical presentation reported among coronavirus diseases 2019 patients. The exact pathophysiology for olfactory dysfunction in COVID-19 infections is poorly understood. Objective: To evaluate the anosmia in COVID-19 infections with help of computed tomography (CT) scan of the nose and paranasal sinus. Methods: This prospective study was performed in COVID-19 patients with symptoms of olfactory dysfunction. We evaluated the conductive etiologies of the anosmia
more » ... ith help of the CT scan of the nose and paranasal sinuses. Results: There were 62 patients with anosmia with COVID-19 infections included in this study. The age ranges of the study patients were 18 to 76 years with a mean age of 46.3±14 years. Complete anosmia was found in 67.74% of cases and 82.25% of cases presented with sudden onset of olfactory dysfunction. Gustatory dysfunction or dysgeusia was found in 51.61% of the cases. There were no pathological lesions of the olfactory cleft in the CT scan of the nose and paranasal sinuses.
doi:10.31782/ijcrr.2021.131129 fatcat:bhoxpdhmkreezbzpl657dw7f4e