Hyperspherical close-coupling calculations for electron-capture cross sections in low-energyNe10++H(1s)collisions

Patricia Barragán, Anh-Thu Le, C. D. Lin
2006 Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics  
We present total and partial electron-capture cross sections for Ne 10+ +H͑1s͒ collisions at energies from 0.01 eV to 1 keV using the hyperspherical close-coupling method. Good agreements with the previous calculations by the classical-trajectory Monte-Carlo method are found for total capture cross section, but not for partial cross sections, especially below about 200 eV/ amu. We found that the total cross section is mainly due to the population of n = 7 channels and only at energies above 50
more » ... V/ amu n =5,6 channels begin to contribute to the total cross section.
doi:10.1103/physreva.74.012720 fatcat:bk7buvromvam7k6kymuaivro5m