Wheat AGAMOUS LIKE 6 transcription factors function in stamen development by regulating the expression of Ta APETALA3

Yali Su, Jinxing Liu, Wanqi Liang, Yanhua Dou, Ruifeng Fu, Wenqiang Li, Cuizhu Feng, Caixia Gao, Dabing Zhang, Zhensheng Kang, Haifeng Li
2019 Development  
Previous studies have revealed the functions of rice and maize AGAMOUS LIKE 6 (AGL6) genes OsMADS6 and ZAG3, respectively, in floral development; however, the functions of three wheat (Triticum aestivum) AGL6 genes are still unclear. Here, we report the main functions of wheat AGL6 homoeologous genes in stamen development. In RNAi plants, stamens showed abnormality in number and morphology, and a tendency to transform into carpels. Consistently, the expression of the B-class gene TaAPETALA3
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doi:10.1242/dev.177527 pmid:31540915 fatcat:42aphvkf4jdvzgtt4bflopj4zq