Possible efficiency improvement by application of various operating regimes for the cooling water pump station at thermal power plant - Bitola

Vladimir Mijakovski, Vangelce Mitrevski, Nikola Mijakovski
2012 Thermal Science  
Thermal power plant Bitola is the largest electricity producer in the Republic of Macedonia with installed capacity of 691 MW. It is a lignite fired power plant, in operation since 1982. Most of the installed equipment is of Russian origin. Power plant's cold end comprised of a condenser, pump station and cooling tower is depicted in the article. Possible way to raise the efficiency of the cold end by changing the operating characteristics of the pumps is presented in the article. Diagramic and
more » ... tabular presentation of the working characteristics of the pumps (two pumps working in paralel for one block) with the pipeline, as well as engaged power for their operation are also presented in this article.
doi:10.2298/tsci110316133m fatcat:mjkodyw275b3pel7lw3bahivw4