Impact Factor: 5.2 IJAR

Nand Gopal
2017 unpublished
Ruth Prawar Jhabvala (07 May 1927-03 April 2013) was a German born British and American Booker Prize-Winning novelist, short story writer and two time Academy Award winning screen writer. She is perhaps best known for her long collaboration with Merchant Ivory Productions, made up of directors, James Ivory and the late producer Ismail Merchant Jhabvala wrote a dozen novels, 23 screenplays and eight collections of short stories and was made about in 1998 and granted a joint fellowship by BAFTA
more » ... 2002 with Ivory merchant. She is only person to have won both booker Prize and an Oscar. Ruth Prawar Jhabvala seeks to uncover the ideology of patriarchal society in her works and art and how liberated are Jhabavala women characters their place and strength; the question of virginity sexual preferences and male appeasement. She also wants to unveil how Indian women are truly vulnerable to male hegemony in the relevance of feminism to the Indian society. The present research paper is about seeking harmony in the novels of R.P. Jhabvala.