Using the Case Study Method to Teach Sustainability in Fashion

Leslie Davis Burns
2020 Sustainability in Fashion -   unpublished
Proceedings introduced to product life-cycle assessments (LCA) and how LCA data can inform product design, development, and marketing decisions. The case is designed for courses in fashion design, product development, textiles, and environmental sustainability. • "Picture Organic Clothing: Supply Chain Assurance and Transparency" -shared by permission from Bloomsbury Fashion Business Cases. This case study examines strategies a fashion brand company may use for supply chain assurance,
more » ... ty, and transparency. Students evaluate advantages and disadvantages and make recommendations for the particular company. Students are introduced to risk management, legal compliance, and both mandatory and voluntary supply chain reporting. The case is designed for courses in fashion marketing, sourcing, fashion law, and supply chain management. • "Sustainable Packaging for Icebreaker" -shared by permission from Bloomsbury Fashion Business Cases. This case study examines advantages and disadvantages of packaging alternatives a fashion brand company can use to enhance their environmental sustainability. Students are introduced to business logistics, packaging technologies, and research on packaging alternatives. The case is designed for courses in fashion product development, fashion marketing, and business logistics.
doi:10.31274/susfashion.11415 fatcat:zpmsobd2lvhnhllrrz4i5rmlmq