The characteristics of electrical trees in the inner and outer layers of different voltage rating XLPE cable insulation

Ansheng Xie, Shengtao Li, Xiaoquan Zheng, George Chen
2009 Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics  
The statistical initiation and propagation characteristics of electrical trees in cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) cables with different voltage ratings from 66 to 500 kV were investigated under a constant test voltage of 50 Hz/7 kV (the 66 kV rating cable is from UK, the others from China). It was found that the characteristics of electrical trees in the inner region of 66 kV cable insulation differed considerably from those in the outer region under the same test conditions; however, no
more » ... icant differences appeared in the 110 kV rating cable and above . The initiation time of electrical trees in both the inner and the outer regions of the 66 kV cable is much shorter than that in higher voltage rating cables; in addition the growth rate of electrical trees in the 66 kV cable is much larger than that in the higher voltage rating cables. By using x-ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetry methods, it was revealed that besides the extrusion process, the molecular weight of base polymer material and its distribution are the prime factors deciding the crystallization state. The crystallization state and the impurity content are responsible for the resistance to electrical trees. Furthermore, it was proposed that big spherulites will cooperate with high impurity content in enhancing the initiation and growth processes of electrical trees via the 'synergetic effect'. Finally, dense and small spherulites, high crystallinity, high purity level of base polymer material and super-clean production processes are desirable for higher voltage rating cables.
doi:10.1088/0022-3727/42/12/125106 fatcat:tt5ibc5lrjdpdosrh37oeicaty